Development updates & References

List of pages and main usage

General pages
  1. Home page.
  2. FAQ page.
  3. Contact US.
  4. About us.
  5. Pricing.
  6. Terms of Service.
  7. Privacy policy.
Authentication Page
  1. Registration Page.
  2. Login page.
  3. Initiate reset password.
  4. Complete reset password.
User Administration Pages
  1. Support. A page where a owner/manager will initiate a support discussion
  2. Profile page. Personal page of the user to view/edit personal information.
  3. Account Page. A page where the user will see its different assets/promotions/employees/drivers
    1. Summary. A page which gives a summary accross all assets
    2. Manage asset. A page where the user will create/edit a specific asset
    3. Manage promotion. A page where the user will create/edit a specific promotion
    4. Manage staff. A page where the owner/manager will add/remove support employee staff
    5. Manage driver. A page to manage the driver which are attached to the account
  4. Promotion Pages. A space where the use will be able to see/edit the promotions in from most recent order.
Assets Pages

They are 2 big categories of asset pages. The first ones (1) allow you to manage the asset meaning create/edit/ properties of the asset and add items to it and the second one (2) to operate on the asset meaning selling/taking orders

Dashboard Pages

A report page link to a particular asset - metrics need to be defined


List of changes

June 20, 2019

Things you can do

  1. Go to Registration page to create and activate your account
  2. Next you can log Click here to login and edit your profile in the Profile page
  3. You can create a new asset once you are login use the menu in your avatar picture for that